Step 1 - Create an Email Account in cPanel to Send Mail From
To send email, an email account must be created in cPanel. To do so, go to your cPanel account. Go to to the "Email Accounts" section in cPanel.

Then, create a new account to send emails from. A good email to use would be "noreply@{yourdomain}.{your tld}" - for example, "[email protected]".

Keep track of the email address and password you enter here as it will be needed later on.
Step 2 - Enable SMTP Authentication in the local.config.php of phpVMS
Now that we have an email account, we must tell phpVMS to use it. Go to the File Manager in cPanel.

Using the File Manager in cPanel, navigate to your phpVMS installation directory, then to the "core" directory. This is usually "/public_html/core/". From there, click on the "local.config.php" file and click "Edit".

Edit the "Email Settings" section to reflect the appropriate information. All settings should be changed to the following. The EMAIL_FROM_NAME, EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS, EMAIL_SMTP_SERVERS, EMAIL_SMTP_USER, and EMAIL_SMTP_PASS settings should be changed to the relevant details for your virtual airline (do not directly copy the settings in the image). The EMAIL_USE_SMTP, EMAIL_SMTP_PORT, and EMAIL_SMTP_USE_AUTH should be changed to the information in the image.

Save and close this file.
Step 3 - Add the Required Line to the phpVMS Email Code File
phpVMS, by default, has a bug preventing SMTP authentication from working correctly. Using the File Manager again, go to the "core/classes" directory. This is usually "/public_html/core/classes/". From there, click on the "Util.class.php" file and click "Edit".

Around line 257, add the following line so that your file matches this one. Take care to add it below/above the appropriate lines.

Save and close this file.
Your phpVMS installation should now be able to send email again. If not, or you are having difficulty with this process, please contact support.