Displays and Lighting Do Not Work When Using an Older Graphics Card Print

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The displays, cockpit lighting (RealLight), and rain effects (TrueGlass) do not work when using an older graphics card (GPU) that does not meet the minimum memory requirements.


Disable GPU memory checking. Please note, this can cause instability. It is not recommended to disable the memory limit for RealLight.

To disable memory checking, add the line "disable_memory_check=true" to the following files by opening them in notepad. You may have to create these files.

  • For PDK2D2D (the display rendering technology):  {Prepar3D v4}\SimObjects\Airplanes\TFDi_Design_717\Panel\PDK2D2D.ini
  • For TrueGlass: {Prepar3D v4}\Gauges\TrueGlass\TrueGlass.ini
  • For RealLight (not recommended): {Prepar3D v4}\Gauges\RealLight\RealLight.ini


Some older GPUs do not the official minimum memory requirements, but can still run the software (albeit at lower performance). For these cases, we offer the option to manually disable the memory checking to allow the software to run anyway.

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