Overview Receiving a new smartCARS license can be exciting! The setup process for smartCARS on the virtual airline side is rather simple.
Procedure 1. You'll need to download interface.php and frame.php. They can be found via the client area and via our downloads library (the direct link is https://tfdidesign.com/dl.php?type=d&id=16).
2. Upload frame.php and interface.php to the {phpVMS installation directory}{smartCARS web installation directory} on the virtual airline's web server. This is usually {phpVMS installation directory}/core/smartCARS/ (for phpVMS, the files must be in {site root}/core/smartCARS/). In most cases, you will have to create this directory, as it does not exist natively in phpVMS. No configuration is required for these files for phpVMS.
3. Once the files are uploaded, set the permission of the smartCARS folder to 755 and the permission of the files inside it to 644 via your FTP client (for Filezilla, right click -> File permissions). You should now be able to use smartCARS! If you experience issues, please see the "Verifying smartCARS Web Script Installation" article located here: https://tfdidesign.com/knowledgebase/7/Verifying-a-smartCARS-Web-Script-Installation.html.