Products & Services

Below are the innovative products and services that TFDi Design offers to the flight simulation community.

TFDi Design MD-11

With refined technologies, we have developed a thorough and accurate rendition of the iconic trijet airliner.

TFDi Design's modern trijet airliner simulation.

VA Hosting Package

Web hosting managed by flight simulation professionals, plus a subscription to smartCARS Pro and smartCARS 3, all for one monthly price.

All the tools you need to run your Virtual Airline



PACX simulates passengers and crew onboard your flights. It also allows for direct communication with passengers, dynamic and realistic announcements, record and career tracking, and in-flight incidents.

TFDi Design's in-depth, modern passenger and crew simulation.

smartCARS 3


smartCARS 3 combines unrivaled customization with a seamless user experience to create a utility-knife application for the online pilot.

TFDi Design's state of the art and highly customizable flight tracking system.

TFDi Design 717

Developed by a team of professional artists and programmers, the TFDi Design 717 is a highly functional, beautiful, and efficient airliner.

TFDi Design's next generation regional airliner simulation.

Web Hosting

Web hosting managed by IT professionals to help you achieve your best.

Professional and reliable web hosting for your business or community.

737 Extreme Sound

This sound package includes realistically and thoroughly recreated sounds of the 737 NG (600-900) in addition to a custom sound panel to further enhance the experience.

TFDi Design's high quality 737 NG soundpack.